Saturday, November 3, 2007

I'm back

Well, it's been months since I posted but I am back and ready to get into a regular routine of writing again. Since my last posts I applied for a new job, quit my job as a therapist, started a new job in marketing, and began commuting 1 hour to work every day. I am enjoying the new work and feel like I'm learning a lot about a lot of things. The commute however is stressful. And I miss my kids- I miss being home when they get there, hearing about their day, even the after school bickering that I used to dread. But it's nice that they have this time with their dad now so I am trying to ease my mother's guilt but hanging out all weekend with them. Of course that leads to alot of backed up laundry and un-mopped floors!

Now that I feel like I am getting a handle on my new schedule, I am looking to refocus on my original goals for blogging... more writing and figuring out how to take care of me as an individual while still being mommy and wifey at home. Wish me luck... I think this is going to be harder than I thought.

I just bought the new 2008 Writer's Market! Having it in my house now really motivates me to think about my article ideas and book ideas. I really want to get serious and send out some query letters for new articles. I still have an article about football moms that I never finished for The editor has been so warm and encouraging that I feel like a total schmuck for never getting her the finished article. But I am working on letting go of my guilt and just moving forward. It's like that with my exercise/diet thing. I think that I can get so stuck in feeling bad about what I didn't get done that it undermines my progress in the next thing. I know that I'm not alone here... we all do it. "I can't believe I ate that cookie" leads to eating a whole bag because you're so guilty for eating one. As part of my commitment to me I started working out with a personal trainer this week. She's great, her name is Alise, and I already feel encouraged that I might just be fit by my big 30 birthday. We'll see... I ate crap all day to day and didn't make it to the elliptical at all but tomorrow is a new day!

I'll be back in a few days. I need to talk out some of these article ideas and get my head back into my writing.

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